
Trump Lawyer: POTUS Unfazed by Colorado Ruling, ‘Stronger Than Ever’

Donald Trump’s attorney confidently shrugged off the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, which sent him packing from the state’s GOP primary ballot. The decision may have knocked the wind out of some candidates’ sails, but not for Trump. He’s a fighter, and this setback is just another opportunity for him to show his resilience.

The court’s decision was undoubtedly a blow to Trump’s campaign, but it’s not the end of the world. Those who underestimate him do so at their own peril. Trump has faced countless obstacles in his political career, and each time he’s come out stronger. This setback will be no different.

It’s not surprising that the liberal-leaning Colorado Supreme Court would make a decision like this. They’re desperate to keep Trump off the ballot because they know he’s the one candidate who poses a real threat to their agenda. But their efforts are in vain. Trump will find a way to win, with or without the Colorado primary. Plus, this decision only serves to further galvanize his supporters, who are more passionate than ever.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling is just another example of the establishment trying to silence Trump. But they won’t succeed. Trump has proven time and time again that he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Written by Staff Reports

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