
Trump Leads Biden by Five Points in North Carolina Poll

In a recent poll conducted in North Carolina, former President Donald Trump is shown to be leading President Joe Biden by five points among registered voters. The poll, conducted by ECU, surveyed 1,332 voters and found Trump ahead with 48% support compared to Biden’s 43%. With a margin of error of +/- 3.1%, the results indicate a significant lead for Trump in the state.

The poll also asked voters about the impact of Trump’s guilty verdict on their voting decisions. Interestingly, a majority of voters stated that the verdict did not sway their choice, while some were more likely and others less likely to vote for Trump as a result. Independent voters, who make up a significant portion of the state’s electorate, also showed diverse opinions on the matter.

Dr. Peter Francia, director of the East Carolina University Center for Survey Research, noted that Republicans have historically performed well in presidential elections in North Carolina. Given Trump’s current lead in the state, he is seen as the favorite to win in 2024. However, the race for governor remains competitive, with both candidates within the margin of error in the polling.

The analysis of key swing states highlighted North Carolina as a crucial battleground with its 16 electoral college votes. While the state has mostly favored Republican candidates in presidential elections, Biden winning North Carolina would be considered a significant upset. The poll results also shed light on other important issues for North Carolinians, including concerns about inflation, the economy, abortion laws, and border security.

According to the poll, approval ratings for President Biden and Governor Roy Cooper were not overwhelmingly positive among North Carolina voters. As the state gears up for the upcoming elections, these poll results provide insights into the political landscape and voter sentiments in North Carolina.

Written by Staff Reports

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