
Trump Leads Biden in Georgia Poll 43 to 38 Percent, Youth Support Dwindles for Biden

In the latest poll out of Georgia, President Joe Biden faces some troubling numbers as former President Donald Trump takes the lead by five points. With Trump at 43 percent and Biden trailing at 38 percent in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll, it’s clear that Georgia is once again a crucial battleground state where every vote counts.

The youth vote, a demographic Biden heavily relied on in his campaign, shows signs of slipping away. A mere 12 percent support from those aged 18 to 29 should set off alarm bells in Biden HQ. The fact that Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling at 29 percent in Georgia could spell even more trouble for Biden, potentially siphoning off crucial votes that could have gone to the incumbent.

Decision Desk HQ’s prediction of a 63 percent chance for Trump to win Georgia should serve as a wake-up call to voters. The importance of turning out in large numbers to secure Trump’s victory in the state cannot be overstated. The disillusionment among young voters, feeling the pinch of high gas prices and soaring inflation under Biden’s watch, is palpable and could very well translate into support for Trump come election day.

As Biden’s promises to the youth demographic fall flat amidst a struggling economy and rising costs of living, the Democratic Party risks losing not only loyal supporters to apathy or third-party candidates but also potentially pushing them towards the Republican camp. With the American Dream slipping out of reach for many, the appeal of a change in leadership grows stronger, benefiting Trump and signalling a challenging road ahead for Biden in his bid for re-election.

Written by Staff Reports

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