
Trump Outraises Biden Again in Stunning May Fundraising Surge

Once again, former President Donald Trump has proven he’s still a heavyweight contender by outraising President Joe Biden for the second consecutive month. Despite a criminal conviction in late May, Trump’s political machine didn’t just stay afloat; it sailed past Biden’s fundraising efforts. Reports filed with the Federal Election Commission late Thursday show Trump and his team pulling in a staggering $141 million in May, compared to Biden and the Democrats’ underwhelming $85 million.

While Biden’s campaign attempted to save face by flaunting a $212 million cash stockpile heading into June, Trump’s monetary muscle remains unchallenged. Trump’s main committee boasted over $116.5 million in cash reserves, compared to the paltry $91.6 million in Biden’s main campaign account. This dramatic reversal of fortune appears to have left the liberal media reeling and the Democratic Party scrambling for a new strategy.

May 30 was a landmark date for more than one reason. The day saw Trump convicted in New York for falsifying business records—a so-called “gotcha” moment for the Democrats that’s backfired spectacularly. The American people, not so easily swayed by partisan witch hunts, responded by pouring tens of millions into Trump’s campaign. His donation page even crashed under the unprecedented traffic, raising $34.8 million by the next morning and soaring to $52.8 million by nightfall.

Commentators left and right had a field day with this development. POLITICO’s Friday morning Playbook aptly noted Trump’s “shocking cash comeback.” Perhaps “shocking” is the wrong word, given the enthusiasm Trump inspires among Republicans, from elected officials to everyday citizens. Trump didn’t just catch up; he’s nearly erased Biden’s much-touted cash advantage. The narrative of Biden’s invincible war chest now reads more like a frail paper tiger.

The left-leaning media, predictably, went into panic mode. POLITICO and The Washington Post headlines suggested that Trump’s financial surge could “reshape the contest.” For a party so focused on labeling Trump a “convicted criminal,” the Democratic establishment must now reckon with the unintended consequence of galvanizing Trump’s base. Democrats might have weaponized the justice system to paint Trump as public enemy number one, but instead, they’ve only strengthened his resolve and his support.

In individual states and national polls, the conviction isn’t swaying voters away from Trump. If anything, it’s making his supporters dig in their heels. Republicans are showing higher voter enthusiasm and are more willing to put their money where their mouths are. The Democrats’ strategy to take down Trump with legal entanglements has clearly backfired, setting the stage for a political battle that’s heating up faster than a midsummer barbecue.

Written by Staff Reports

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