
Trump Vows to Overturn Biden Border Order on Day One at Packed Phoenix Event

At a town hall event in Phoenix sponsored by Turning Point Action, Former President Donald Trump made a pledge to his supporters. He vowed to overturn President Joe Biden’s recent border executive order on his first day back in office. The event, held at Dream City Church with nearly 4,000 attendees, saw a full capacity crowd, leading to thousands being turned away due to the overwhelming turnout, filling up parking lots and nearby streets.

During his speech, Trump criticized Biden’s border security executive order as being pro-invasion, pro-trafficking, and pro-illegal immigration. He contrasted the current situation under Biden with what he inherited from former President Barack Obama, describing it as “much better” back then. Trump argued that Biden's new plan would allow approximately 2 million migrants to enter through the southern border, a number he deemed unsustainable.

Biden’s order stipulates the shutdown of the border between ports of entry when illegal crossings average 2,500 per day. Trump argued that this threshold still allows a significant number of illegal entries each year. He also criticized the exceptions to this rule, particularly for migrants with asylum appointments made through CBP's smartphone app and other vulnerable groups.

During the event, Trump reaffirmed his commitment to border security and welcomed former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the stage. Attendees, mainly Trump supporters, voiced their concerns about border security, inflation, and the economy during the town hall. Trump assured them of his plans to address these issues and make America “greater than ever before.”

The former president's stance on border security and immigration echoes his past policies and remains a focal point for conservatives. His strong opposition to Biden’s executive order highlights his unwavering commitment to robust border enforcement.

Written by Staff Reports

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