
Trump’s Razor Sharp 4-Word Slam on ‘Bidenomics’ goes Viral!

President Donald Trump didn’t hold back in his criticism of Joe Biden’s economic policies, dubbing it “Bidenomics” and describing it as “inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.” Trump made these remarks in a video that he posted on Rumble, and boy, did he make his point loud and clear!

According to Trump, one of the key issues in this campaign is who can save our country from the disastrous effects of “Bidenomics.” He confidently declared, “On day one, the Biden economic bust will be replaced with the historic Trump economic boom.” Now that’s what we like to hear!

Trump also took a swipe at Biden’s celebration of the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, calling it nothing more than smoke and mirrors. While the Democrats want to take credit for the economy’s uptick in the second quarter, Trump wants everyone to know that it’s all thanks to the solid foundation he laid during his time in office.

And let’s talk numbers! Trump pointed out that under Biden, real incomes have plummeted by $7,400 per family. Ouch! But during Trump’s tenure, yearly income actually increased by a whopping $6,000! Now, that’s a difference you can feel in your wallet.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Trump also made it abundantly clear that his administration outperformed Biden’s when it comes to job creation. While Biden can claim 2.1 million new jobs in the first 30 months, Trump takes the crown with an impressive 4.9 million new jobs in the same timeframe. Talk about winning!

Trump doesn’t mince his words when it comes to “Bidenomics.” He sees it as a disaster and is determined to end the era of incompetent leadership. He confidently proclaimed, “We will do it quickly, we will do it effectively, and we will make America great again.” And you know what? With his track record, it’s hard not to believe him. Bring on the Trump economic boom!

Written by Staff Reports

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