
Whistleblower Exposes Pentagon Delay in Capitol Riot Response

An Army whistleblower has come forward to reveal the truth about the Pentagon’s actions on January 6th, 2021, which delayed the District of Columbia National Guard from responding to the Capitol protests for three hours. This whistleblower, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, is speaking out because of his deep love for the United States Army. He has served in the military for 25 years and sees it as a fulfillment of his childhood dream. It is important to listen to whistleblowers like Colonel Matthews, as they shed light on important issues within our government.

The delay in deploying the National Guard to the Capitol on January 6th raises significant concerns about the decision-making process within the Pentagon. The actions of three Army generals, Lt. Gen. Walter A. Piatt, Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, and Gen. Mark A. Milley, are under scrutiny for their role in delaying the National Guard’s response. It is crucial to hold these individuals accountable for any misconduct or negligence that may have occurred.

The whistleblower’s testimony highlights the potential political motivations behind the delay in deploying the National Guard. It is concerning to hear that the generals in question were influenced by concerns about optics and a fear of President Trump staging a coup. This kind of politicization of military decision-making is dangerous and undermines the integrity of our armed forces. The focus should always be on upholding the rule of law and protecting the American people, regardless of political motivations.

The actions of Gen. Mark A. Milley, in particular, raise serious questions about his judgment and loyalty to the commander-in-chief. Comparing President Trump to Hitler and suggesting he would stage a coup is shameful and unfounded. It is unacceptable for senior military leaders to engage in this kind of rhetoric and actively work against the sitting president. The military’s duty is to carry out lawful orders and protect the Constitution, not to engage in partisan politics.

In conclusion, the testimony of Colonel Matthews and other whistleblowers sheds light on troubling developments within the Pentagon surrounding the events of January 6th. It is essential to conduct a thorough investigation and hold accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing. Our military should remain loyal to the Constitution and the American people, regardless of political affiliations.

Written by Staff Reports

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