
Yellowstone Boss Warns Dems: Trump Ban a Threat to Democracy!

The debate over kicking ex-President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot isn’t just heating up in the political world – it’s also sizzling in the entertainment industry. Taylor Sheridan, the mastermind behind the hit show “Yellowstone,” which stars Kevin Costner, is giving his two cents on the Colorado Supreme Court’s risky move.

Sheridan, a proud Texan, recently chatted with Joe Rogan about the dangerous path that the state’s Supreme Court is setting for America. He slammed the court’s decision, arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent for the future of democracy. He cautioned that if this kind of unfair treatment can happen to Trump, then it could happen to anyone.

What’s more, Sheridan insisted that the show “Yellowstone” isn’t just a “red-state show” as some claim. He pointed out that the series addresses important issues like the displacement of Native Americans, drawing in elements of both conservative and liberal viewpoints. He’s even been commended by left-wing outlets like Slate for broadening the discourse beyond the usual political bickering.

But here’s the kicker – Sheridan isn’t afraid to ruffle feathers in Hollywood. He’s previously called out Tucker Carlson and even suggested that Trump should be impeached. So, it’s quite telling to see a Hollywood figure cautioning Democrats about the dangers of overstepping bounds in the name of fear. Sheridan warns that while Democrats may feel justified in their current actions against Trump, they should think about the long-term consequences of their actions on the country’s future.

In the end, Sheridan’s words serve as a stark reminder that playing fast and loose with the Constitution might feel good now, but it could come back to bite everyone in the rear in the future.

Written by Staff Reports

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