
As Gas Prices Fall, Biden Reduces Saudi Fight

The rise in energy prices has negated Joe Biden's promise to Saudi Arabia. As a result, the White House is now more concerned with maintaining its cool on the issue.

When Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations agreed to reduce their production quotas in response to the threat of higher energy prices, Biden said that the US would reevaluate its relationship with Saudi Arabia.

As the Democrats in Congress started to threaten to change the decades-long security arrangement between the US and Saudi Arabia, Biden vowed that the country would face consequences once a review was completed. Some believe that Riyadh supported Russia's actions in Ukraine.

Despite the White House's insistence that politics had nothing to do with the decision by OPEC+ to reduce its production quotas, the dispute has raised concerns about other energy-producing nations.

An energy adviser for the Trump administration noted that the ongoing dispute between two of the world's largest producers could affect the global energy market.

The White House did not provide a timeline or the scope of its assessment. However, it noted that the president had been able to lower the prices of gas by tapping the country's Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

The White House did not take any immediate action to address the issue. Instead, it has been working to maintain a delicate relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia.

In March, the Biden administration came under fire after it decided to protect Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman from the legal case related to the killing of journalist Jamal Kashoggi. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Saudi officials asked for the support of the US.

After the Senate voted on a resolution opposing the Saudi-led war in Yemen, Senator Bernie Sanders said that the White House had agreed to work with him on ending the conflict.

The Senate had also passed resolutions opposing the Saudi-led war. Some of Biden's close advisers, such as Jake Sullivan, the president's national security adviser, and Wendy Sherman, the deputy secretary of state, supported a 2019 measure that was approved by both the House and Senate. However, it was blocked by Trump.

Antony Blinken, Biden's secretary of state, and Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, supported an earlier resolution in 2018.

According to the Intercept, Biden's advisers would recommend a veto if the legislation passed. The White House released talking points that indicated that Biden's team would strongly oppose the resolution.

The relationship between Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed became strained during the campaign. During his time as a candidate, he criticized the Saudi government and vowed to hold it accountable for the killing of Jamal Kashoggi.

After taking office, Biden's administration concluded that the Saudi Crown Prince was complicit in the killing of Kashoggi.

In July, Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia. His visit, which was followed by a face-to-face meeting with the crown prince, indicated an end to the country's "pariah" status. At first, the White House maintained that the Saudi ruler was the president's "appropriate counterpart" in the country.

When asked if Biden would follow through on his promise to Saudi Arabia regarding the consequences of its oil production cuts, Jean-Pierre said that a bipartisan assessment was being conducted.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Washington Examiner.

Written by Staff Reports

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