
Biden Abandons Americans at Home and Abroad: A Pattern of Neglect

President Joe Biden, in his short time in office, has already cemented a reputation for abandoning Americans in dire and dangerous situations. From leaving hundreds of citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan to neglecting the needs of those affected by disasters in the United States, Biden’s track record is one of failure and indifference.

Let’s go through the laundry list of times when Joe Biden and his administration turned their backs on Americans in need. First up, we have the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. While the Biden administration proudly patted themselves on the back for evacuating over 120,000 people, they conveniently forgot to mention the more than 800 Americans left stranded in the country as they beat a hasty retreat. To make matters worse, 13 brave American service members lost their lives, and not a single senior military leader was held accountable for the botched operation.

Next, let’s take a trip to Sudan, where an estimated 16,000 American citizens were left to fend for themselves amidst violent conflict. While other countries like France sent warships to evacuate their citizens, the White House callously told Americans in Sudan that they were on their own. The Biden administration failed to develop any plans to rescue these stranded citizens, leaving them to navigate the dangerous situation without any support from their own government.

Moving on, we arrive in Israel, where after a terrorist attack by Hamas, American citizens in the country struggled to make contact with the U.S. Embassy for several days. Despite the urgency of the situation, the embassy was closed for Columbus Day, leaving Americans to rely on their own resources to find a way home. The lack of assistance was so egregious that Rep. Cory Mills had to take matters into his own hands and retrieve his fellow American citizens himself.

Lastly, we come to the tragic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. Biden promised to visit the affected area, giving hope to the community that their plight would be recognized. However, he never showed up, leaving residents feeling abandoned and ignored. Not only did Biden fail to visit, but he also neglected to sign a disaster declaration that would have helped the state access federal resources. This failure to acknowledge and address the needs of Americans right in his own backyard is a telling reflection of Biden’s lack of concern for his own citizens.

In all of these instances, Joe Biden’s actions – or lack thereof – have revealed a pattern of disregard for the safety and well-being of Americans. Whether it’s leaving citizens stranded overseas or neglecting disaster-stricken communities at home, the Biden administration has proven time and again that they are more interested in photo ops and empty promises than actually providing meaningful assistance to the American people. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words – and in Joe Biden’s case, his actions speak volumes about his failure to prioritize the needs of his own citizens.


Written by Staff Reports

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