
Biden Absent Amid Campus Riots, Focuses on Campaign Events Instead

In the midst of violent riots and pro-terrorism activity spreading across college campuses, President Joe Biden has been spending time away from the White House for a series of campaign events in Delaware and Washington, D.C. The President’s schedule has been heavily focused on these events, with little direct engagement in dealing with the ongoing situation.

Despite issuing a statement condemning violence ahead of Jewish American heritage month, President Biden has not been directly involved in addressing the situation. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has declined to provide details on any direct communication between the administration and university leaders regarding the riots. The White House has also refused to outright condemn the rioters and their actions, leading to concerns about the administration’s stance on the situation.

Amid the chaos, students have been targeted and prevented from attending their classes, with reports of intimidation and vandalism on campus. Some students have bravely stood against the radical mob, expressing their concerns and calling for action to address the escalating violence and disruption on their campus.

As the situation continues to unfold, concerns have been raised about the lack of direct involvement and strong condemnation from the President and his administration. The ongoing unrest and pro-terrorism activity on college campuses require a strong and decisive response from the highest levels of leadership in the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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