
Biden Announces Marijuana Reclassification, Ends Schedule I Status

President Biden and Vice President Harris heralded the declassification of marijuana as a major victory on Thursday, announcing that the plant will no longer be considered a Schedule I drug alongside heroin and LSD. In a video statement, Vice President Harris emphasized that the current classification placed marijuana on par with highly dangerous substances like heroin, which she asserted was an outdated and harmful portrayal. She expressed gratitude to advocates for their efforts in bringing about this change, emphasizing that marijuana’s reclassification was a significant step forward.

Under the new classification, marijuana will be labeled as a Schedule III drug, placing it in the same category as substances such as ketamine, anabolic steroids, and testosterone. President Biden, speaking in his own video, lauded the decision as a momentous shift in federal drug policy. He made it clear that no individual should face incarceration simply for the use or possession of marijuana, citing the unjust impact of past approaches to marijuana enforcement. Biden promised to address the repercussions of this failed approach, firmly committing to making amends for past wrongs.

This recent development comes on the heels of President Biden’s decision to grant clemency to 16 individuals convicted of drug offenses. Additionally, Vice President Harris welcomed Kim Kardashian, a prominent reality TV figure, to the White House, where they met with some of the individuals who had been pardoned. As the Biden-Harris administration continues its reelection campaign, the strides made in marijuana reclassification and criminal justice reform stand as key elements of their platform.

The administration’s actions exemplify a growing acknowledgment of the need for a more balanced and sensible approach to drug policy in the United States. The decision to reclassify marijuana reflects a broader effort to rectify the injustices and societal impacts stemming from past drug enforcement strategies. President Biden and Vice President Harris have made it clear that they are dedicated to addressing these issues, underscoring their commitment to promoting equity and fairness in the nation’s criminal justice system.

In an ongoing push for reform, the Biden-Harris administration has taken steps to acknowledge and rectify the consequences of past drug policies. As they strive for reelection, their efforts to champion criminal justice reform and reclassify marijuana align with their pledge to address pressing societal concerns and advance a more equitable and just future for all Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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