
Biden Campaign Seeks Meme Manager Despite History of Cringe Attempts

The left keeps proving they can’t make good memes, but that doesn’t stop the Biden campaign from trying. They want to connect with the young folks by making memes that support Biden. It’s like they never learn that Democrats just aren’t funny!

The job listing says they’re looking for a Partner Manager to handle internet content and memes. They want someone who loves politics and can work fast. But the most important thing they seem to forget is having a sense of humor. Who wants boring memes anyway?

The Biden team has a history of cringe-worthy meme attempts. They tried to mock Trump with a video, but it fell flat. Memes should be funny and relatable, not forced. Maybe they should leave the memes to the experts.

Creating memes should be fun and spontaneous, not a job requirement. Liberals focus too much on pushing a message instead of making people laugh. That’s why their memes always flop. But hey, let them keep trying. It just gives us more material to chuckle at.

Written by Staff Reports

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