
Biden Fails Wounded Marine: Self-Centered Chat, Awkward Handshake Attempt

Former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan recently conducted an interview with former Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews that he described as the toughest one he has done so far. Vargas-Andrews, who lost both his legs in the suicide bombing in Kabul during the chaotic U.S. withdrawal, shared a rather strange encounter with President Biden and the first lady during his time at Walter Reed.

During the visit, Vargas-Andrews, with his right arm missing, recalls Biden attempting to shake his hand without acknowledging his injury. It’s quite bizarre to witness such a lack of awareness from the commander-in-chief. It makes you wonder if Biden realizes that hands are remarkable for handshakes. Maybe he thought it was an “elbow bump” moment. Truly puzzling.

Instead of showing empathy and concern for Vargas-Andrews’ situation, Biden proceeded to talk about his son’s military service. Seriously, Mr. President? Do you think it’s appropriate to pivot the conversation to yourself when visiting a wounded veteran? Maybe Biden was auditioning for a role in a one-man show about the trials and tribulations of being president.

To add insult to injury, when Vargas-Andrews expressed his confusion about the situation, Biden got in his face and asked, “What do you want?” Talk about a complete lack of emotional intelligence. It’s as if Biden thinks a double amputee, fresh from experiencing the horrors of war, should be solely concerned with fulfilling his demands. Perhaps Biden should offer a class on basic human decency, because it seems he skipped that lesson.

The fact that Biden and the first lady completely brushed off the traumatic event and failed to address it directly is appalling. Instead of acknowledging the heroism and sacrifices made by Vargas-Andrews and his fallen comrades, they engaged in small talk and swiftly left the room. This reveals the true character of the Biden administration – detached, indifferent, and more concerned with deflection than accountability.

It’s clear that Vargas-Andrews deserved better treatment from the president and first lady. Their visit should have been a solemn and compassionate acknowledgment of his sacrifice, not a self-centered conversation about Biden’s family and a complete disregard for the gravity of the situation. This interaction only further highlights the systemic failures and lack of leadership that characterized the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. It’s moments like these that make you question whether our country is being led by empathetic leaders or politicians more interested in photo ops and self-promotion.

Written by Staff Reports

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