
Biden Family Pocketed $17M From Overseas: Whistleblower Confirms GOP Suspicions

In a stunning turn of events, Joseph Ziegler, a 13-year IRS Special Agent, appeared before the House Oversight hearing with some explosive claims. Not only is Ziegler a gay man, but he’s also a Democrat, which makes his revelations even more surprising. Ziegler decided to blow the whistle on the Hunter Biden investigation, claiming that he should have been charged with a tax felony. He also mentioned that text messages reviewed by investigators may contradict President Biden’s statements about not being involved in his son’s overseas business dealings. This is huge!

Ziegler went on to reveal that Hunter Biden and his companies managed to rake in a whopping $17 million from foreign sources over several years. And guess what? All of this happened while President Joe Biden was serving as vice president. Talk about shady business dealings! Ziegler even specified that the money came from China, Ukraine, and Romania, with a substantial amount of $7.3 million coming from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. This is clear evidence that the Biden family was involved in some very questionable stuff.

But it doesn’t stop there. Committee Chairman James Comer chimed in, arguing that these foreign payments indicate an “influence peddling scheme to enrich the Bidens.” He noted that the Biden family received incremental payments over time, using various bank accounts to hide the sources and amounts of the funds. This is clearly not how normal businesses operate. It’s a classic case of using associates’ companies to receive millions from foreign companies.

What’s even more disturbing is the claim made by Ziegler and fellow IRS Special Agent Gary Shapley that the FBI, Justice Department, and the IRS interfered with the investigation into Hunter Biden. They believe that the investigation’s outcomes, which were in favor of the Biden family, were purely politically motivated. It seems like the deep state is at it again, protecting their own.

This testimony from Ziegler is a game-changer. It confirms what Republicans have been saying all along: the Biden family has been engaging in shady overseas business dealings. It’s time for the truth to come out and for the American people to see the depths of the corruption within this family. President Biden must be held accountable for his involvement, or lack thereof, in his son’s dubious activities. The American people deserve the truth, and they deserve leaders who will put their interests first, not their family’s.

Written by Staff Reports

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