
Biden’s Alias Email Scandal Exposes Obama-Era Deception

President Joe Biden’s email scandal is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the shady practices of the Obama administration. According to Breitbart, at least six high-ranking officials in the Biden-era also used email aliases to hide their true identities. It’s clear that the Obama years were riddled with deception and a lack of transparency.

Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson went by the name “Richard Windsor” in her communications. Why would she need an alias unless she was trying to avoid public records and transparency rules? The American people deserve better than officials who are willing to bend the rules to suit their own agendas.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder also used aliases, including “Elizabeth Carlisle,” “Henry Yearwood,” and “David Kendricks.” These officials were supposed to uphold the law, not hide behind fake names. It’s deeply troubling that the people responsible for enforcing justice were engaging in these practices.

Even Obama and Hillary Clinton were in on the action, using email aliases like “Obama725,” “hdr11,” and “hrod17.” This raises serious questions about what they were trying to hide. The American people deserve transparency from their leaders, not secret email accounts.

But perhaps the most concerning revelation is Joe Biden’s use of three email aliases, including “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware.” This is particularly troubling given the ongoing investigations into his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s no secret that Hunter Biden was involved with the corrupt energy firm Burisma Holdings, and now it appears that Joe Biden may have been working behind the scenes to protect his son’s interests.

There are allegations that Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop revealed 27 emails involving one of Joe Biden’s email aliases. This raises serious questions about corruption and abuse of power during Biden’s time as vice president.

In response to these revelations, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer has requested unredacted versions of Biden’s emails from the National Archives. It’s about time someone held Biden accountable for his actions. If there’s evidence of wrongdoing, it needs to be brought to light.

Joe Biden and his administration are not above the law. The American people deserve answers and transparency. It’s time for the truth to come out and for those responsible to be held accountable. Biden’s use of email aliases is just the beginning, and it’s clear that there is much more to uncover. The Obama years were marked by deception and corruption, and it’s time for the American people to see the full extent of their wrongdoing.

Written by Staff Reports

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