
Biden’s Border Nightmare: Military-Age Men Invade USA, What’s Their Endgame?

The chaos at the southern border continues, and it’s clear that the Biden Administration has no interest in stopping it. We’ve heard a lot about the constitutional implications and legal battles surrounding this issue, but there’s an even bigger problem at hand.

As our fearless writer has been saying for some time now, a large number of these border crossers are young, healthy, military-age men. The scariest part? We have no idea who they are or what they’re planning to do once they’re in the country. This may sound like the plot of a thriller novel, but it’s a very real threat.

Senator Ron Johnson recently shared a letter from former FBI, DHS, and other law enforcement officers that echoed these concerns. They stated that we are facing an invasion of the homeland, with thousands of military-aged men from unfriendly countries entering our borders unchecked. This represents a dangerous and unprecedented breach of national security.

What we’re seeing now with the sex offenders, gang members, and drug dealers is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of the people entering the country illegally are young, healthy men who are of military age. It’s alarming to think about the potential harm they could cause if even a small percentage of them have bad intentions.

This issue isn’t limited to just the United States. Europe has already gone down this dark road, and it’s clear that Western civilization is on a path of self-destruction. The consequences of this inaction could be catastrophic.

The Biden Administration has utterly failed in its duty to protect the American citizenry. Their disregard for our safety is evident, and it’s hard to imagine how they could be any more negligent. The government’s main responsibility is to protect the liberty and property of its citizens, and the Biden Administration is falling short on both fronts.

Fixing this problem won’t be easy or cheap. It may require the deportation of millions of people who are in the country illegally. But the cost of inaction is even higher. We can’t afford to ignore the threat and risk an attack on the scale of Oct. 7th. The consequences would be devastating.

It’s time for the Biden Administration to take this issue seriously and secure our borders. The safety of the American people should always be the top priority, and it’s clear that open borders present a very real threat to our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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