
Biden’s Re-Election Odds Plunge, Even Lefties Sound Alarm!

The former Obama advisor, Jennifer Palmieri, and MSNBC contributor has just tossed a reality bomb at the Democrats – and it’s causing quite a ruckus! The hardcore lefty is stirring the pot by declaring that President Joe Biden’s shot at being re-elected in 2024 is about as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard. Cue the gasps and the frantic scrambling to save face!

Palmieri didn’t hold back as she painted a grim picture of a floundering Biden administration, with Trump thundering ahead in the polls like a rhino on a rampage. She’s all wide-eyed and trembling as she squeals about how “super scary” it is that ol’ Trump is strutting his stuff while Biden’s approval rating nosedives faster than a lead balloon. Meanwhile, Biden seems to be taking more vacation days than a lucky lottery winner – try around 418 of ’em, and counting!

But wait, there’s more! Palmieri’s got some choice words about Biden’s failed policies and plummeting poll numbers, indicating that it’s like trying to unscramble an egg at this point. She’s practically throwing her hands in the air, wailing that it’s “too late” for any kind of recovery. The poor woman is downright apocalyptic about the whole thing, fretting about how divided the country is and how on earth they’re going to reach all those voters when everyone’s locked in their own little media bubbles. Oh, the horror!

Now, let’s peek at the latest CNN poll, which spills the tea on just how much the young’uns are giving Biden the cold shoulder. A measly 24 percent of those under 35 are nodding in approval over Biden’s job performance, with a whole 59 percent screaming “No, gracias!” to a second term for ol’ Joey. Ouch.

And in the red corner, we’ve got Trump strutting his stuff like a peacock in mating season. The ABC News/Washington Post poll is giving Biden a solid whack on the noggin, revealing that a whopping 54-36 percent of adults think Trump handled the economy better. Oof.

But here’s where it gets spicy – folks are getting fed up with the Biden administration faster than you can say “bureaucratic mess.” Take this 58-year-old lady who’s always been a dyed-in-the-wool leftie – she’s flirting with the idea of throwing her vote Trump’s way! She’s fuming over Biden playing favorites with other countries while her beloved Texas is feeling the pinch.

And don’t even get us started on the border crisis. A chunk of Black and Hispanic voters are throwing shade at Biden and cozied up to the idea of Trump getting another whirl in the Oval Office. They might wince at Trump’s choice of words, but dang if they don’t think he’s got the right idea about keeping them illegals at bay. Talk about a switcheroo!

Finally, the New York Times/Siena College poll has bad news pummeling Biden from all angles. Women, independents, and Hispanics are flicking their thumbs downward at his job performance, and the poor guy’s taking some painful hits.

So, buckle up, folks – it’s shaping up to be one wild and bumpy ride as the next election storms in like a bull in a china shop. Grab your popcorn and hang onto your hats, ’cause things are about to get all kinds of bananas!

Written by Staff Reports

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