
Biden’s Vacay Record Smashes Predecessors: 418 Days and Counting!

Well slap my knee and call me a donkey, but it seems like President Joe Biden has taken a whopping 418th vacation day! That’s a whole lot of lounging around for someone who’s supposed to be running the country, don’t you think? According to the Republican National Committee’s Vacation Tracker, ol’ Joe has already spent 417 days, which is about 39 percent of his presidency, on vacation. 

And get this, folks, Biden’s idea of “vacation” includes a hundred out of 135 weekends at one of his two Delaware homes, at Camp David, or even cozying up in the mansions of Democrat billionaires. Must be nice, huh? And now, he’s jetting off with the whole clan to the U.S. Virgin Islands for New Year’s. 

Seems like the whole gang is headed to the tropical paradise, but the White House is staying mum about just how many family members will be accompanying Joe and First Lady Jill. 

They’re shacking up at a beachfront villa owned by some Democratic bigwigs, and it’s costing a pretty penny at $700 a night! I tell ya, it’s all about who you know when it comes to vacation spots these days. 

It turns out that Biden’s vacation days far outnumber those of previous presidents. Barack Obama only spent 11 percent of his eight years in office on vacation, and not-so-Sleepy Joe? Well, he’s waving from his beach chair with a whopping 39 percent of his time spent on vacation.


Written by Staff Reports

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