
Breaking: Trump Slaps Back as Grand Jury Hands Down New Indictment

In a surprising turn of events, a grand jury working on the January 6th investigations has issued a sealed indictment. While the details are still unclear, it is widely expected that the charges will be against former President Donald Trump himself. Oh boy, here we go again!

Trump’s legal team wasted no time in responding, as they released a statement shortly after the news broke. They must have a good PR team to get out in front of this one. Anyway, we can only speculate on what the charges might be at this point. It could be related to the events of January 6th, or maybe it has something to do with the “stop the steal” fundraising efforts. Who knows, they might even throw in the alternate electors scheme for good measure. I mean, they’re really trying to get him on something, huh?

Now, we’ll have to wait for special counsel Jack Smith to speak up and fill us in on the juicy details. Smith better have some solid evidence if he wants to take down the king of real estate and Twitter. I know we all want answers, but let’s not get too excited just yet. Remember, this is the same guy who has been investigating this for months and still hasn’t found anything concrete. Just saying.

As always, RedState will keep you updated on all the latest developments. Brace yourselves, folks. It looks like the Trump saga is far from over. Can’t wait to see what they come up with this time. Hold on tight!

Written by Staff Reports

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