
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Facing Criminal Charges

A group in Quebec, Canada, has launched a private prosecution against Justin Trudeau for allegedly violating the country's border regulations.

A Quebec activist group known as Frédéric Bastien accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of encouraging unauthorized immigrants to illegally cross the border into Canada. According to the National Post, which cited a source, Frédéric Bastien claimed that there was enough evidence to support a criminal case against Justin Trudeau for allegedly encouraging illegal immigrants to cross the border into Canada.

According to the group, Trudeau made these statements in 2017 when he wrote on Twitter that Canada would welcome refugees fleeing war, persecution, and terror.
After the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border into Canada increased, Trudeau noted that he was referring to people who were coming to the country for economic reasons.

During an interview, Trudeau noted that people who are seeking asylum in Canada are not looking for economic migration. They are seeking protection due to their fears of being stateless or experiencing torture or death.

According to Trudeau, if an individual is seeking asylum, they would be evaluated on the basis of their refugee status. In his filings, Mr. Bastien cited various statements made by Trudeau, such as his 2017 comments and a statement made in 2022 in which he refused to close the border.

In response to the growing number of illegal immigrants entering the country, Quebec Premier Francois Legaut asked the federal government to close the border and address the issue. Last month, the Quebec media reported that since Trudeau's 2017 statement about welcoming refugees, about 150,000 individuals have illegally entered Canada. At the same time, the government of Canada promised to bring in around 1.5 million migrants by 2025.

Statistics Canada reported that about a quarter of the country's population is composed of people who came from a migration background. It is expected that this number will increase to over a third in the next couple of decades.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on DAILY FETCHED.


Written by Staff Reports

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