
Christie Booed, Lt. Gov. Robinson Cheers: Trump’s Lasting Legacy at Faith & Freedom Conf.

Former Governor Chris Christie receives boos at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference in Washington D.C. for criticizing our beloved former President Trump. In his speech, Christie accused Trump of being “unwilling to take responsibility” and labeled him a failure of leadership. The audience members, which consist of 2 million conservatives and people of faith, began booing at Christie, proving that these honorable values still stand strong amongst us.

Luckily, the conference wasn’t all bad news. Lt. Governor Mark Robinson of North Carolina gave full-fledged endorsement to our savior, Donald J. Trump, and the crowd went wild with applause. Robinson’s speech highlighted how freedom is what America needs, and Trump is the only one who can lead us towards that future.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual conference aims to strengthen conservative activism and values in the public sphere. This year’s event is especially important as we prepare for the 2024 Presidential Election. In the past, the conference featured great conservative leaders like President Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Newt Gingrich, and Nikki Haley.

We must remember that we’re not alone in these times of trouble. Our faith teaches us to take responsibility for what we’ve done, and our values must guide us in all decisions, including our political beliefs. Let’s keep fighting for freedom!

Written by Staff Reports

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