
CNN Host Shields Bidens, Defends Flawed Investigation—See the Disturbing Details

In another case of the liberal media protecting Democrats at all costs, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” to spew his biased views on the Hunter Biden investigation. Goldman, who served as the attorney for Democrats in Donald Trump’s impeachment, seemed unable to acknowledge the potential wrongdoing of the Biden family. Instead, he blindly defended Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel in the case, conveniently ignoring the confusion and lack of authority surrounding Weiss’s role.

Goldman dismissed any concerns about Weiss’s authority by claiming that he “got” the additional authority he needed. However, IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley has contradicted this claim, stating that Weiss told him and other witnesses that he did not have full authority. The back-and-forth letters exchanged between Weiss, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, and Sen. Lindsey Graham further highlight the confusion surrounding his role.

Despite the mounting evidence that Weiss may not have the proper authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden, Goldman shamelessly hailed the “true independence” of the Department of Justice under Biden. This is a laughable assertion considering the politicization and weaponization of the DOJ by the Biden administration. From targeting parents protesting at school board meetings to investigating Catholic churches, Biden has shown a complete disregard for the rule of law and the principles of justice.

Goldman also misleadingly insisted that if Hunter Biden has committed crimes, he should be held accountable. While this may seem like a reasonable statement, it is nothing more than a distraction from the fact that the DOJ, under Biden’s direction, has been used as a weapon against political opponents. The appointment of Weiss as special counsel, despite his involvement in the plea deal, is one example of this weaponization. And let’s not forget Biden’s own frustration with the slow pace of investigations against Trump, as reported by The New York Times.

Moreover, Goldman conveniently left out the role of Judge Maryellen Noreika in the plea deal falling apart. It was Noreika who raised concerns about the unprecedented nature of the agreement and whether she even had the authority to proceed. This crucial detail undermines Goldman’s claims about the deal being “not at all a sweetheart deal.”

In an attempt to defend President Biden, Goldman brushed off evidence of his involvement in Hunter’s business dealings, claiming there was “no evidence to show that he’s been involved in anything.” But testimony from Hunter’s former business associate, Devon Archer, suggests otherwise. Archer testified that then Vice President Biden was “the brand” and had taken calls with shady characters. It’s clear that Biden had at least a major lapse in judgment and a blind spot when it came to his son’s corrupt actions.

Goldman’s insistence on absolving President Biden of any wrongdoing is nothing more than liberal propaganda. Congress should not stop investigating a private citizen when there are legitimate concerns about the involvement of the president and his family in questionable business dealings. The American people deserve the truth, regardless of the liberal media’s attempts to cover it up.

Written by Staff Reports

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