
CNN Veteran Sam Feist Named CEO of C-SPAN to Lead Digital Shift

CNN’s Washington Chief, Sam Feist, will be taking on a new role as the CEO of C-SPAN after dedicating 34 years to the cable network. Feist, known for his straight-shooting and connections as a journalist, was chosen to replace the current co-CEOs of C-SPAN, Rob Kennedy and Susan Swain, who will be stepping down this year.

As the new CEO, Feist will be focusing on leading C-SPAN’s digital transition and ensuring comprehensive coverage of the 2024 elections. He expressed his enthusiasm for the new role, emphasizing the importance of C-SPAN in preserving American democracy.

Both Kennedy and Swain spoke highly of Feist’s selection, praising his deep respect for C-SPAN, leadership skills, knowledge of Washington, and expertise in digital transformation. They expressed confidence in leaving C-SPAN in Feist’s capable hands.

Feist’s move from CNN to C-SPAN signifies a shift from the recent turmoil at CNN to a more stable media operation in Washington. C-SPAN’s founder, Brian Lamb, still serves on the board, and the organization has a team of experienced executives with decades of dedication.

Mark Thompson, CEO of CNN, commended Feist for his dedication and passion for political journalism, indicating that Feist has become an institution at CNN. Despite the current polarized political climate, Feist has a reputation for moving easily among all sides and is respected by both Democrats and Republicans, including conservative groups.

Written by Staff Reports

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