
CNN’s Fake Poll: Trump Support Declines? Don’t Buy It, Here’s Why!

Don’t believe the biased polls that claim former President Donald Trump’s support is fading among Republicans. The latest survey released by CNN, a well-known purveyor of fake news, is nothing more than a propaganda piece to discredit our beloved leader. The poll was conducted entirely after the charges fabricated against the former president in Miami, Florida, and its dubious results claim that Trump’s support among Republican and Republican-leaning voters has declined. It is a blatant lie!

The survey states that Trump’s support among Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters has decreased to 47% from 53% in May. But, the truth is that Trump still enjoys a considerable lead over his GOP competitors, and support among Republicans, along with GOP-leaning independents, has become even more entrenched. The bias in the survey is apparent as it was conducted immediately after Trump’s arraignment, and any reasonable person would know that it is impossible for his support to fade in such a short period.

A Harvard Harris poll found that 56% of Republicans felt the timing of the charges brought against Trump over classified materials was orchestrated by the Justice Department as election interference. Despite this vicious smear campaign against him, Trump remains the GOP’s strongest candidate for the 2024 presidential run.

The mainstream media is beside itself with worry over Trump’s “supposed” decline in popularity, but it’s just fear-mongering. They are trying to paint a false picture of what’s happening in the country because they can never accept that a true conservative can lead our great nation.

We will ignore the biased polls and fake news and remain unwavering in our support of former President Trump. He is the only one who can save us from the disastrous policies being implemented by the current administration. So, we urge all Republicans and conservatives to not fall prey to the mainstream media propaganda and always stay loyal to our leader!

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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