
Conservatives Demand Action to Free Hostages from Hamas Terrorists

The conservative take on the recent news involving American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin and the video of his abduction by Hamas terrorists is nothing short of heartbreaking and enraging. The fact that this young man, along with his fellow hostages Eliya Cohen and Or Levy, has been held captive for so long is a clear sign of the dangers posed by terrorist organizations like Hamas.

The video released by the Hostages and Missing Families forum, showing the brutal abduction of Goldberg-Polin and his companions, serves as a stark reminder of the evil that exists in the world. The sight of them being held in a pickup truck, bloodied and battered, is a chilling testament to the inhumanity of those who seek to harm innocents. 


Goldberg-Polin’s parents’ plea for action to bring their son and the other hostages home is a call that should resonate with every American. It should serve as a wake-up call to the Biden administration and the international community to take decisive action against Hamas and other terrorist organizations that seek to sow chaos and destruction.

The fact that Goldberg-Polin’s mother chose not to view the video, based on her daughter’s advice, speaks volumes about the pain and suffering the families of the hostages are enduring. The uncertainty, the fear, and the anguish they must be feeling are unimaginable, and it is a travesty that they have had to endure this nightmare for so long.

We stand with Goldberg-Polin’s family and all those affected by this tragedy. We call on our leaders to do everything in their power to secure the safe return of Hersh, Eliya, and Or, and to hold Hamas accountable for their heinous actions. It’s time for action, not just words. The lives of these hostages depend on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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