
Dems Pitch $14T Blowout to Bankrupt USA!

You won’t believe the latest hairbrained scheme coming from some Democratic lawmakers. It’s so absurd, even a child with a credit card would know better. New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman is leading the charge on a $14 trillion reparations plan, claiming it’s a “moral and legal obligation” to provide restitution for slavery. Yes, you read that right – $14 trillion! And you thought your holiday shopping was excessive.

Not content with just throwing around mind-boggling numbers, Bowman actually dared to suggest that the federal government can just spend the money into existence, as if they have a magical money tree hidden in the back of the Capitol building. If only it were that easy!

And it gets even more outrageous. Bowman proposed staggering payments, as if that somehow makes the eye-watering cost any more palatable. He even suggested breaking up the $333,000 per person payout into monthly checks. Sure, let’s just add that to the government’s already overstretched budget, no big deal, right?

But wait, it gets better. Some lawmakers are so out of touch with reality that they actually think the country can afford this. They’re completely ignoring the fact that the U.S. is facing a major inflation crisis and a whopping $3 trillion budget deficit. It’s like they’re playing Monopoly with the country’s finances, but instead of colorful fake money, it’s real dollars and cents.

Of course, some states are jumping on the bandwagon too, with New York and San Francisco starting their own reparations initiatives. Because why not bankrupt the states as well while we’re at it, right?

Thankfully, this ludicrous bill doesn’t have a sponsor in the Senate, so for now, it’s just a pipe dream. But that won’t stop these out-of-touch lawmakers from pushing their fiscally irresponsible agenda. It’s a good thing there are clear-headed individuals in the Senate who won’t let this reckless bill see the light of day.

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a do-or-die battle for the future of America. If the Democrats get their way, we’ll all be left holding the bag for their reckless spending and radical policies. It’s time for Americans to stand together and say no to these ill-conceived schemes before it’s too late.

If you’re as fed up with this nonsense as we are, consider supporting conservative outlets like The Western Journal. With Big Tech trying to silence us, your direct support can make all the difference in the fight for America’s soul. Stand with us and make your voice heard in the battle for the future of our great nation!

Written by Staff Reports

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