
DeSantis PAC Slams Haley Before Debate: No Leftist Retreat!

In an exclusive scoop that will make liberal heads explode, the super PAC supporting Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) presidential campaign, Never Back Down, is set to release a bombshell new video ad that puts the spotlight on former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s stance on the issue of transgender youth. The ad, which will drop just hours before the fourth Republican National Committee debate, is sure to ruffle some feathers.

The 60-second video, set to premiere on digital platforms, showcases moments when Haley was grilled about children dealing with gender dysphoria. “Let’s get them the help — the therapy, whatever they need so that they can feel better and not be suicidal,” she said of transgender youth in one clip.

Never Back Down didn’t hold back in their statement to the Washington Examiner, declaring, “Nikki Haley doesn’t fight the left’s agenda because she’s being bankrolled by woke billionaires and Wall Street Democrats. As governor, she killed a bill to keep men out of girls’ bathrooms and this year she sided with Disney and opposed the law that Ron DeSantis passed to protect children from being subjected to chemical castration, anti-puberty drugs, double mastectomies, and genital mutilation surgeries. Only Ron DeSantis has a proven record of standing against the left’s transgender ideology, and winning.”

In another clip, Haley was asked about “what care should be on the table” and what the law should allow when a 12-year-old believes themselves to be transgender. “I think the law should stay out of it,” Haley said firmly in the video.

The ad then turns the spotlight on DeSantis, showing footage of the governor proudly boasting, “We have prohibited puberty blockers and operations on gender for minors.”

“They’re telling parents, you got to do these interventions. Otherwise, your kid’s gonna commit suicide,” DeSantis said in a different clip. “That’s false. You have a 14-year-old girl. You’re not affirming her gender. You’re trying to mutilate her to change her gender.”

The heated new video ad amplifies the growing chorus of critics painting Haley as a “moderate” who is soft on conservative issues, particularly on social issues such as transgenderism. Haley’s camp was quick to respond, with Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik asserting, “With his poll numbers plummeting and his campaign imploding, Ron DeSantis is desperately throwing lies at the wall, hoping something will stick. Spoiler alert: It won’t. Nikki Haley has long said she opposes gender-changing surgeries for minors. Bald-faced lies won’t save DeSantis.”

The DeSantis camp, however, remains undeterred, doubling down on their attack. The two potential rivals are locked in a fierce battle to win over donors and voters, as Republican supporters are increasingly clamoring for a clear alternative to former President Donald Trump for the 2024 primary.

With the Republican debate looming on the horizon, the stage is set for another showdown between Haley and DeSantis. Moderator Megyn Kelly tantalizingly teased that some hot-button issues, possibly including transgenderism, will be on the table. Get ready for sparks to fly and tongues to wag, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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