
Explosive Footage: Illegals Storm Hole in Border Wall amid Frantic Repairs!

President Joe Biden’s border policies have gained little respect, except from the human smugglers profiting off of them. This was made evident in a troubling video posted on social media by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin during his trip to Lukeville, Arizona. The clip showcased illegal aliens rushing through a breach in the border wall, while federal contractors were attempting to fix it. What made the scene even more outrageous was the smug confidence of the alien smuggler who led them through. He seemed almost incredulous that it was all happening.

In the video, the shaking of the smuggler’s head and subsequent salute to the cameras left a lasting impression of disdain. It appeared as though the smuggler had recorded the faces of his customers as they went through the breached wall, perhaps as proof of delivery or for promotional purposes. Then, with the nonchalant attitude of an Uber driver dropping off a passenger at the airport, he turned to face the United States side of the wall. The shrug and salute were blatant mockery, as if to say, “See you next time, suckers.”

Unfortunately, this one scene is just a glimpse into an ongoing flood of illegal immigration that has remained unchecked since January 2021. The repercussions are being felt far beyond the border. In New York City, Mayor Eric Adams is facing a spiral of self-destruction due to the influx of over 100,000 illegal aliens, costing the city nearly $11 billion. Meanwhile, Chicago’s Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson lectures residents about the need to “sacrifice” for the invading armies of aliens that have occupied public facilities.

Through it all, Democratic leaders continue to blindly support President Biden’s open border vision, putting American citizens at risk and depriving them of the benefits of charity. The Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection are failing to protect the nation, while federal contractors are desperately trying to patch up the holes in the border fence. In this disastrous situation, the only ones satisfied are the border smugglers, like the man in Melugin’s video. His salute was a sign of triumph and a clear indication of the chaos at the border.

Written by Staff Reports

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