
Explosive Update: Special Counsel Hypes Hunter Biden Probe!

In a new development, Special counsel David Weiss has chosen to convene a grand jury in California to further investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes. This choice suggests that the federal government’s pursuit of President Joe Biden’s son is far from over. Exciting times, huh?

According to CNN, this California grand jury will focus on obtaining documents and possible testimony related to Hunter’s business activities during his time residing in his fancy Hollywood Hills home. Even James Biden, President Biden’s own brother, has been subpoenaed as part of the probe. My, oh my, it seems like no one in the Biden family can escape this investigation!

Both Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, and James Biden’s counsel have declined to comment on the matter. But hey, they always say silence speaks volumes, right?

When asked about this development, the White House did what it does best and redirected the questions to the Justice Department. And guess what? They declined to comment too. Can you say “no comment” in your sleep? Because it seems like that’s all we’re getting these days.

This bold move by Weiss indicates that he might be looking to slap Hunter with even more charges. Prosecutors have hinted that they might still bring charges related to the Foreign Agent Registration Act, which Hunter supposedly violated while representing overseas firms. On top of that, Hunter is already facing charges of felony possession of a firearm and some misdemeanors linked to tax evasion. Looks like Hunter’s got a lot on his plate.

It’s worth noting that all of this evidence against Hunter was previously obtained under a Delaware grand jury, but it can be shared with this new California grand jury for consideration. Will this new grand jury bring fresh perspective and possible charges against Hunter? Only time will tell. But let’s just say, things aren’t looking too bright for the first family.

Speaking of which, let’s take a moment to appreciate the irony here. After whistleblowers from the IRS voiced their concerns about the Justice Department trying to bury Hunter’s case, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned Weiss as the special counsel. And why? Well, to make sure the investigation appeared fair and unbiased, of course. But hold your horses, folks, it gets better. Turns out, Gary Shapley, a career bureaucrat from the IRS, claims that Weiss initially faced opposition and roadblocks from higher-ups who wanted to avoid anything that could have implicated President Biden. And guess who else was in on the fun? The U.S. Attorney for Los Angeles, who also tried to block Weiss’s investigation. Gee, isn’t it great to see everyone working together so harmoniously?

Oh, and just one more juicy detail: it turns out that the U.S. Attorney for Los Angeles, the one who didn’t want Weiss to investigate, has a history of donating to Vice President Kamala Harris. Fancy that!

Well, well, well, the plot thickens. As the investigation expands and new information comes to light, we can only speculate on what might be next for Hunter Biden and his family. But one thing’s for sure, these allegations aren’t just going to disappear into thin air. Get your popcorn ready, folks, because this show is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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