
Hamas Unleashes Hell on Israel: Biden’s Weak Response Exposed!

In a shocking turn of events, Hamas terrorists launched a massive attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip early this morning. They didn’t hold back, folks. Thousands of rockets were fired, and to make matters worse, their operatives infiltrated Israeli territory. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time declaring that Israel was now in a state of war. This is not a drill, people!

Netanyahu outlined three objectives for Israel during this war. First, they need to clear out the hostile forces that have infiltrated their territory and restore security to their communities. Safety is a top priority, and they will stop at nothing to protect their citizens. Second, they aim to make the enemy pay a heavy price for their despicable actions. They won’t let Hamas get away with this. Lastly, they want to reinforce other fronts and ensure no one else is foolish enough to join this war. United we stand, folks!

But what about the initial response from our so-called biggest ally, the United States? It was downright atrocious, folks. It took hours for Joe Biden to offer a proper response, declaring support for Israel and their right to self-defense. We all know actions speak louder than words, Joe. The world is watching, and Israel needs true allies right now.

Disturbing reports are coming in from Southern Israel, folks. Palestinian terrorists are reportedly going house-to-house, kidnapping innocent civilians. Can you believe that? This is pure savagery! These terrorists have no regard for human life. Videos and images circulating on the internet show the true face of evil, but we won’t share them here. Let’s focus on exposing the truth and condemning these horrific acts.

Tragically, Israeli soldiers have lost their lives in this conflict. The exact count is still unknown, but the IDF is courageously fighting back. Hamas took hostages and captives, spreading fear and chaos. But let me tell you, no terrorist will be safe in the face of the determined Israeli military. The IDF is fighting in 22 locations, folks. Every town and community is being protected. Stand strong, Israel!

The IDF is leaving no stone unturned to eliminate the terrorists and secure their borders. Fighter jets, heavy ground means, and even a wide mobilization of reserves are underway. Israel means business! But let’s not forget that Iran, the state sponsor of terrorism, is involved here too. They’re funding these attacks and providing training and equipment. It’s no surprise, folks. We’ve seen this before. It’s time for the world to wake up and stop appeasing Iran.

Meanwhile, let’s address the elephant in the room, mainstream media bias. MSNBC, in its true form, has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for Hamas sympathizers. They’re practically a branch of Al Jazeera now, folks. If you want real news, look elsewhere. Don’t be fooled by their agenda-driven narrative. Stay informed, stay objective, and above all, support Israel in this time of need. Victory shall be ours, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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