
House Goes AWOL Before Shutdown Showdown!

The House of Representatives adjourned early for their recess, abandoning a substantial amount of work and a government closure deadline that was rapidly approaching. These legislators hastily departed from the Capitol without having made any progress on the numerous pieces of legislation that were on their agenda. They are not expected to return until February 28, which is just in time to prevent a potential partial closure of the federal government on March 1.

In essence, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Los Angeles) dismissed concerns regarding the passage of an additional measure for short-term funding by stating, "Everything is under control." In order to avert a government shutdown, the House succeeded in passing a stopgap funding measure on January 18, which extended the deadlines for passing the fiscal 2024 appropriations bills.

However, it is critical to retain one's headwear, as the initial set of appropriations bills is scheduled to expire on March 1. In order to ensure continued government funding, Congress must pass a number of crucial spending bills. Since November, neither the House nor the Senate have made any progress on the spending measures; the Senate is even further behind. With only a few of their twelve appropriations measures having been passed, they will return to a significant mess to clear.

Not only that, but the House and Senate are each required to present their own 12 appropriations measures prior to deliberating on the final budget. However, due to the fact that the House will not return until February 28, they have a mere three working days to reach a spending agreement in order to prevent the government from turning off the lights.

However, there is more! Johnson may attempt to buy additional time for negotiations by adopting another continuing resolution, but those extreme conservatives within the party are not enthusiastic about the proposition. Basically, it is similar to herding animals, people.

Johnson has been beset by this impending government closure ever since assuming the speakership four months ago. The Republicans have encountered considerable impediment in their efforts to advance their legislation as a result of intraparty discord. The situation is akin to attending a rodeo, as Republicans oppose their own legislation and become entangled in their own lassos.

Legislative obstacles have impeded efforts to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, resulting in a commotion so intense that the measure was removed from the agenda, thereby forcing an early recess. The White House also expressed its disapproval, shaking its head at Johnson for his lack of tact and accusing him of interfering with national security.

Furthermore, just when you thought things could not get any worse, a special election that returned a formerly red seat to the Democrats has resulted in Johnson returning to office with an even smaller majority. The shouting and finger-pointing reverberate virtually through the Capitol's corridors.

Folks, it's practically a Wild West performance from reality inside. These legislators are redefining the term "yeehaw" as they hasten away, abandoning an extensive backlog of unresolved matters. Grasp your hats, for the voyage back will be quite turbulent when they all return in a torrent of glory.

Written by Staff Reports

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