
House Investigates SBA’s Role in Biden Campaign Efforts Through “Bidenbucks”

The House of Representatives is looking into the Small Business Administration (SBA) with concerns that it might be supporting President Biden’s campaign efforts in Michigan through a program called “Bidenbucks.” This program aims to help federal agencies become voting centers across different states. Some lawmakers are worried about potential partisan influence in this initiative.

The House Small Business Committee is set to hold a hearing to discuss the SBA’s involvement in promoting voter registration in Michigan as part of the “Bidenbucks” program. They have noticed a correlation between the increase in voter registration and the locations of SBA offices as well as President Biden’s campaign activities in the state.

Critics have compared Executive Order 14019, also known as “Bidenbucks,” to the controversial “Zuckerbucks” that were allegedly used to boost the Democratic vote in the 2020 election. They argue that federal agencies should not be utilized for partisan purposes and that private funding in elections can lead to unfair advantages for certain parties.

In response to the concerns raised by the House Small Business Committee, some members believe that the SBA should focus on its core mission of supporting small businesses rather than engaging in voter registration efforts. They argue that diverting resources towards political activities could harm struggling businesses, especially amidst economic challenges like inflation.

Critics of the SBA’s involvement in voter registration activities view it as an inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars and a deviation from the agency’s original purpose. They believe that such actions could undermine the SBA’s credibility as a non-partisan entity that is meant to assist small businesses.

Written by Staff Reports

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