
Jim Jordan Exposes FBI’s Dark Corruption – Hunter Biden & Big Tech Collusion Unveiled!

In a stunning revelation, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) has exposed the deep-rooted corruption within the FBI. In a scathing thread on X (formerly Twitter), Jordan accused an FBI agent of lying under oath to cover up the Bureau’s involvement with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

This bombshell comes as part of the Facebook Files, an initiative undertaken by House Republicans to expose the myriad ways in which federal authorities have coerced social media companies into stifling dissent and suppressing vital information. Recently obtained documents reveal that the FBI colluded with Big Tech to suppress news about Hunter Biden’s laptop on major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

According to Jordan, the FBI’s Special Agent Elvis Chan served as the critical link between Big Tech and the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force back in 2016. Chan, along with Task Force Chief Laura Dehmlow, initially confirmed the authenticity of the laptop to Twitter but abruptly changed their tune, providing a “no comment” response to Facebook and other social media giants. This maneuver prompted Facebook and eventually Twitter to clamp down on the sharing of news stories related to Hunter’s laptop.

During a deposition in November, Chan perjured himself, denying his involvement in any meeting between the FBI and social media companies discussing Hunter Biden. He even went so far as to claim that there was never any discussion about the laptop itself. However, new evidence reveals that Chan and Dehmlow met with Facebook a mere day after the laptop’s discovery. The web of deceit is unraveling before our eyes.

In the aftermath of the laptop’s revelation, the Biden campaign hastily compiled a list of 51 former intelligence officials who signed an open letter asserting that the laptop was a mere fabrication of Russian disinformation. This desperate attempt to divert attention from the truth is suspected to have been orchestrated by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, a key player in the Biden administration. Yet, Blinken has the audacity to deny any involvement.

Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop, amid charges of tax fraud and illegal gun possession, have presented Republicans with an extraordinary treasure trove of documents. These materials implicate not only members of his own family but possibly even President Biden himself. An ongoing investigation by the Oversight Committees has unearthed damning bank documents, revealing millions of dollars flowing into Biden’s coffers through his shady foreign business dealings. All the while, President Biden continues to insist on his innocence and denies any knowledge of his son’s illicit activities.

This scandalous saga demonstrates the rampant corruption within our government institutions. It’s clear that the FBI, in collusion with Big Tech and the Biden campaign, have conspired to suppress vital information and silence those who dare to question the Biden dynasty. We must hold these individuals accountable and expose the truth for the sake of our democracy. The American people deserve better than this cesspool of deceit and cover-ups.

Written by Staff Reports

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