
Joe Biden Chooses Cocktail Hour with Trudeau over Suffering Ohioans

Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States, is once again gallivanting around the world, this time to Canada for a weekend visit with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It’s not all work though, as the two leaders plan to unwind with a cocktail hour alongside their wives.

The trip, according to the White House, is meant to reaffirm the “U.S.-Canada partnership and promote our shared security, shared prosperity, and shared values.” It remains to be seen what exactly that means, but one thing is clear: Biden has the time for fancy drinks with foreign leaders, but not for the suffering Americans in East Palestine, Ohio.

It’s been a staggering 48 days since the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, which caused a disastrous chemical spill that polluted streams and drinking water. While residents continue to grapple with the aftermath, and lawmakers in Congress call for accountability, Biden has had time to visit Ukraine and now Canada.

When asked about the possible visit to East Palestine during a White House briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre simply stated that “plans are underway.” It’s clear that the Biden administration is dragging their feet to address this domestic disaster while they hobnob with foreign leaders across the globe.

The Republican National Committee released a statement calling out Biden’s lack of attention to the suffering Americans in Ohio. It’s a sad state of affairs when a president prioritizes international relations over the health and safety of his own citizens. Hopefully, Biden will come to his senses and realize that charity begins at home – always.

Written by Staff Reports

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