
Johnson’s Epic Eye Rolls Dominate Biden’s Train Wreck Address

House Speaker Mike Johnson steals the show at President Joe Biden’s disastrous State of the Union address with his epic facial expressions that have now gone viral. Can you believe it? The man’s face spoke volumes without him even saying a word! It’s like he had a whole conversation just with his eyebrows.

Now, let’s get real here. President Biden’s speech was nothing short of a train wreck. He pointed fingers at everyone but himself, dodging any responsibility for the messes piling up under his watch. From the border crisis to his divisive rhetoric, Biden showed no signs of unity or bipartisanship. It was like watching a one-man blame game show.

But thank goodness for Speaker Johnson’s reactions. While some may mock him, we should actually be praising his composure. I mean, sitting through that dumpster fire of a speech without completely losing it deserves a round of applause. If it were up to me, I’d give him a medal for not storming off the stage.

And let’s not forget the contrast between Johnson and the disgraceful Pelosi. Remember when she tore up President Trump’s speech like it was a bad Tinder date? Classy move, right? Johnson, on the other hand, kept it classy with just a few eye rolls and head shakes. That’s what I call self-control, folks.

So next time you see those internet trolls poking fun at Speaker Johnson, just remember, he’s a hero in a sea of chaos. His eye-rolling skills should be studied by diplomats worldwide for their impeccable subtlety and finesse. Keep on eye-rolling, Speaker Johnson, we’re rooting for you!

Written by Staff Reports

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