
Kamala’s Tanking Ratings Tumble Biden’s Reelection Hopes!

The poor approval ratings of Kamala Harris, who is considering running for president in 2024, have cast a shadow over Joe Biden's chances of winning another term. In a survey conducted by Rasmussen, 50% of the respondents stated that she was worse than her predecessors, while only 22% thought she was better.

The Conservative Brief claimed that the results of the survey showed that many voters regarded Harris's influence as detrimental, with 33% stating that it is damaging, compared to only 22% who believed it was beneficial. Furthermore, 41% of the respondents claimed that Harris had no measurable impact, which is a significant blow to her image.

Calls for Kamala Harris to resign from the Senate are growing louder. According to Los Angeles Times political columnist George Skelton, Biden should replace her with the seat of California's Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is leaving office. He noted that Biden is hurting his chances of winning again due to Harris' negative impact on the race. If Harris were to take the seat, Biden could choose a more popular candidate.

John Zogby, a Democratic pollster, suggested that Harris be replaced on a recent podcast. Despite the growing pressure, Biden still maintains that he made the right choice when he selected Harris as his running mate. In a memo, Biden noted that Harris is the ideal candidate for the position.

According to the data released by Rasmussen, Harris' favorability ratings are at an all-time low. Only 42% of the respondents have a favorable view of her, while 53% view her negatively. The voters also don't think she would be a good choice as Biden's running mate in 2024.

Harris' approval rating has dropped so low that it's comparable to Dick Cheney's after accidentally shooting a man in the head with a shotgun. According to a recent poll, almost half of the voters have a negative opinion of Harris, while only 32% approve of how she is doing her job in office. Mike Pence, who was the vice president during the coronavirus crisis, managed to avoid getting a negative rating as well.

It's astonishing that Harris' approval rating is comparable to that of past vice presidents, such as Biden or Cheney. Despite the Democrats' loss in the 2010 midterm election, Biden was able to maintain his approval ratings. In spite of a scandal involving the shooting of a friend, his rating was still at a high of 23%. On the other hand, Harris is struggling to maintain her popularity due to the country's improving economy.

It's clear that Harris' approval rating is appalling, and it has a direct impact on Biden's chances of winning in 2024. With her low favorability ratings, increasing calls for her resignation, and growing concerns about her impact on the Democratic Party, it's possible that this issue will become a significant obstacle for Biden's team.

Written by Staff Reports

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