
Kash Patel Blasts Biden’s ‘Weak’ Stance on Terrorist Houthis

Former President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief of staff, Kash Patel, held nothing back in a recent interview with Breitbart News, where he unleashed scathing criticism of President Biden’s handling of the Houthis, an Iranian-backed terrorist group responsible for attacking a U.S. warship in the Red Sea.

Patel lambasted the Biden administration for reversing the Trump administration’s designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization, despite their heinous acts against the United States. He highlighted the Trump administration’s relentless efforts in targeting and eliminating foreign terrorist organizations, including the decisive strikes against key leaders such as Qasem Soleimani and the emir of ISIS. In stark contrast, Patel argued that the Biden administration’s approach to the Houthis and other Iranian-backed groups has been weak and feeble, leaving the United States vulnerable to further attacks.

Moreover, Patel didn’t hold back on criticizing the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets, stating that the move ultimately empowered Iran to fund more malicious activities through its proxy forces, including the Houthis. He emphasized the immediate danger posed by the Houthis’ brazen attack on a U.S. destroyer, questioning Biden’s lack of action in response to this clear act of aggression.

By rescinding the terrorist designation on the Houthis, Patel asserted that the Biden administration has effectively granted them access to the global banking system, freedom of movement, and the ability to conduct business with American allies. This, in turn, poses a significant threat to national security by enabling the flow of funds and resources to terrorist entities like the Houthis.

Patel’s criticism extended to the Biden administration’s response to the escalating attacks by Iranian-backed proxy forces in the Middle East, highlighting the numerous assaults on U.S. troops and assets in the region. He condemned the administration’s portrayal of these attacks as under control, warning that the increasing influence and financial resources provided to Iran are creating a potent and credible threat to the United States.

In Patel’s view, the Biden administration’s mishandling of the situation has left the United States in a precarious position, emboldening Iran and its proxy forces to pose a significant threat to U.S. interests and security. As tensions continue to escalate, Patel cautioned that the administration’s lackluster response and reliance on hope as a strategy could lead to dire consequences for the country.

Patel’s remarks underscore a fervent conservative stance against the Biden administration’s foreign policy decisions, painting a stark contrast between the assertive approach taken by the Trump administration and the perceived weakness and inadequacy of the current administration’s response to threats posed by terrorist organizations and their state sponsors.

Written by Staff Reports

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