
Michelle Obama Distances Herself from Biden Amid Family Scandals

No one seems to tolerate the Biden family anymore. Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings are a testament to the political toxicity of standing with them. The Biden clan is a swirling mess of scandals and presidential blunders that have even the staunchest Democrats distancing themselves.

Word on the street is that Michelle Obama—yes, the former First Lady—is fed up, too. A Wednesday report from Axios dished out the juicy details. Apparently, Michelle has been privately venting about how the Biden family “exiled” her friend Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, following their 2017 split.

The friendship dates back to the good old Obama days when Michelle and Kathleen were reportedly workout buddies enjoying cocktails at the White House. Even Michelle’s 2022 book confirmed that their morning walks by the river were still a thing.

When Hunter Biden’s various escapades—think hardcore drugs and paid companionship—surfaced, the Biden family conveniently blamed Buhle. Michelle reportedly felt Buhle was unfairly wronged, and rightly so. Why should Buhle be on the hook for Hunter’s degenerate actions?

These so-called family tensions are allegedly why Michelle Obama is steering clear of Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign. As Axios noted, she hasn’t shown up to bolster her husband’s efforts to plug Joe Biden’s re-election in recent months, nor has she posted any support for Biden on social media since he launched his campaign.

Adding salt to the wound, even former President Obama was reportedly unnerved by the Bidens’ antics. He described Hunter’s romantic involvement with his deceased brother’s widow as downright bizarre after attending a fundraiser during that scandalous period.

While the Biden camp claims that the Obamas and Bidens are still close, a closer look at these details tells a different story. The Biden brand has become so toxic that even political heavyweights on the left want nothing to do with it.

When it comes down to it, America can learn one simple lesson: The Biden family is radioactive, and even the far-left power players are feeling the burn. Could their unraveling be a sneak peek at the political landscape leading up to 2024? Stay tuned; it looks like the storm is just getting started.

Written by Staff Reports

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