
Newsom’s Homeless Hype Exposed: All Talk, No Action!

Back in 2003, then Mayor-Elect Gavin Newsom was all about talkin’ the talk when it came to tackling homelessness in San Francisco. He made a big, bold promise to end chronic homelessness with his “10-year plan,” and even pledged to snag “tens of millions” in federal funding.

Fast forward to 2023, and surprise, surprise – Newsom fell flat on his face! You heard it right. His plan didn’t quite hit the mark. And now, to add insult to injury, the problem has spread like wildfire across the great state of California.

The California Republican Party Chairwoman, Jessica Millan Patterson, didn’t hold back in calling out Newsom’s epic fail. She hit the nail on the head by pointing out that homelessness is still a massive issue, and to make matters worse, Newsom’s now taken his bungling show on the road, spreading the chaos statewide.

Instead of rollin’ up his sleeves and getting down to business, Newsom’s been too busy showboating on late-night talk shows and daydreaming about climbing the political ladder.

As of 2022, a whopping 30% of homeless Americans were kickin’ it in California, with over half of ’em out in the cold with no shelter. That’s over 115,000 folks in California alone! It’s a total mess, and Newsom’s 20-year anniversary plan to end the nightmare isn’t lookin’ like it’s off to a good start, let alone an end.


Written by Staff Reports

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