
Scientists Flee Twitter: Can’t Handle Trolls or Admit COVID Mistakes?

The recent news of scientists leaving Twitter because of online trolls and harassment is truly pathetic. These so-called professionals cannot handle a few hecklers and are fleeing the battlefield instead of using the mute and block buttons to silence them. It is especially concerning that conservative women are being harassed by progressives who cannot tolerate differing opinions.

It is a broader issue of intolerant evangelist zeal found among left-wingers who shame and harass those who think differently than them. It is due to their authoritarian ethos of progressivism that they are incapable of accepting diverse views. They constantly claim that they are on the right side of history and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong.

It is unbelievable that scientists, who should be immune to online trolling, are leaving Twitter because of a vaccine debate. Some of them are even Nobel Prize-nominated researchers. The biggest controversy happened when Joe Rogan, a popular podcaster, hosted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for three hours and talked about anti-vaccine views. Vaccine researcher Peter Hotez challenged this, and Rogan offered him $100,000 for the charity of his choice if he participated in a vaccine debate. A pile-on followed with accusations of Hotez being a “pharma shill.” It highlights the potential risks for researchers and medical professionals who turn to Twitter to spread their findings.

Twitter is no longer an accelerating tool for science, and it is not difficult to see why when Musk took over the platform. Scientists and medical researchers are finding it increasingly more difficult to locate relevant information on Twitter. The new Twitter algorithms are amplifying anger and amplifying hate speech.

The medical community must take responsibility for any COVID vaccine and pandemic misinformation. There has been an increase in heart disease deaths, many of them occurring in people under age 44. Recent studies have found that those who have contracted the virus and survived had an antibody response that was just as good as those who received two doses of the mRNA vaccine. The effectiveness rates were touted as the vaccine’s main selling point. Still, now there is no protection against infection, and it is much like the flu shot, which has an efficacy of less than 60 percent.

Until these scientists admit their COVID mistakes, expect more confrontations. It is ridiculous that Galileo and other scientists of his era were tortured for sharing their scientific findings, yet scientists today are leaving Twitter because of online trolls. It’s tough for this writer not to shake his head at this ridiculousness.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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