
Smoking Gun: DOJ Almost Gave Hunter Biden a Free Pass!

As revealed in the correspondence, his position changed in the spring. At that time, the IRS officials were accusing the Department of Justice of interfering with the investigation. In response, Weiss demanded that Biden plead guilty to tax offenses.

The evidence that the IRS agents and their allies provided regarding the case had a huge impact on the outcome. Despite the objections of law enforcement officials, Weiss decided not to charge Hunter Biden.

Not only did these individuals uncover the cover-up operation, but they also brought an end to it. Unfortunately, Hunter Biden's lawyers are threatening to prosecute the whistleblowers who dared to speak out against his special treatment. This shows that he and his team are determined to silence those who expose his wrongdoing.

According to a report by the New York Times, the Justice Department's senior officials were secretly working with Hunter Biden's lawyers to keep David Weiss, the US Attorney for Delaware, on a leash. Even though Garland assured Congress that Weiss had the authority to prosecute the case, the officials were still keeping him under wraps.

The goal of the Department of Justice was to have Hunter Biden not prosecuted. But, two whistleblowers told the truth about the political interference in the investigation, which contradicts statements made by the attorney general.

The testimonies of the IRS agents have revealed the truth about the investigation, which has caused Biden's lawyers to panic. The developments in the case have revealed the extent of corruption within the Justice Department. Among the individuals who have been accused of interfering with the investigation is Christopher Clark, the attorney for Hunter Biden, and Lesley Wolf, the assistant US attorney for Delaware.

Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, who are the IRS agents who revealed the cover-up operation, told Congress that prosecutors were hindering their efforts to pursue Biden's tax offenses. They also revealed that the former got an unfair advantage in the investigation as he was informed about searches and interviews.

The appointment of Weiss as a special counsel has also raised suspicions that he was trying to continue the cover-up operation. He was removed from the case after charges were withdrawn against Judge Noreika, who was Trump's choice to replace Jeff Sessions. This move was made to ensure that the investigation didn't get affected by any potential bias.

The situation highlights the Biden administration's disregard for the rule of law and its willingness to protect its own interests at the cost of justice. It's time for the truth to emerge regarding Hunter Biden's wrongdoing and for him to be held accountable. No one, not even the president's son, should be above the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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