
This Morning Quadruple-Vaccinated Joe Biden Tested Positive For Covid

Rebound of the Covid gene due to paxlovid?

Quadruple vaxxed Joe Biden's previous test for covid on Monday morning came up positive.

On Saturday, Biden's second attempt at the Covid-19 test resulted in a positive result, prompting him to resume his isolation.

Joe Biden "continues to feel quite well," according to the physician who works in the White House, and the vice president is not experiencing any new symptoms.

After returning home from an embarrassing trip to the Middle East a few weeks ago, Joe Biden was given a test for Covid for the first time. The test came back positive.

Due to the fact that he was administering Paxlovid to treat Biden's COVID infection, Biden's doctor has stated that he has discontinued the treatment of Biden's atrial fibrillation and excessive cholesterol with cardiac drugs.

On Wednesday, in order to commemorate Biden's release from the confines of the Covid, the White House Rose Garden served as the setting for his speech.

And, as expected, he criticized Donald Trump.

"When my predecessor got Covid, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was severely ill… When I got Covid I worked from upstairs of the White House… The difference is vaccinations," stated Vice President Biden.

In the end, Joe Biden wound up getting Covid once more only a few days after bashing Donald Trump.

Joe Biden has had nothing on his public calendar for the fourth day in a row now.

The back-to-back appearances of Joe Biden The transmission of covid infections was halted by the announcement of a recession.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Gateway Pundit.

Written by Staff Reports

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