
Trump Battles NY Goliath, Seeks Bond Slash to $100M!

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team is making waves once again, this time requesting to slash his bond from $355 million to a mere $100 million. Trump’s lawyers argued in a New York appellate court that the full bond amount is just too darn high, especially considering the ban on him getting loans in the state. They claim the ban would make it impossible for Trump to pony up the full amount, so they’re asking for a temporary stay on coughing up the remainder until the appeal process is complete.

The legal eagles representing Trump pointed out that he ain’t exactly hurting for cash, with his numerous real estate properties more than covering the proposed $100 million bond. Plus, they say that even if Trump did post the bond, it would just be an extra layer of security. Like adding an extra lock on your bike even though it’s already in a fortress.

Just to remind everyone, Trump might’ve bragged about being worth billions, but he admitted last year that he only had a measly $400 million in cold, hard cash. With various court cases demanding a grand total of $543.4 million from him, it’s clear that being a billionaire doesn’t always mean having pockets filled with cash.

To add insult to injury, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been circling Trump’s real estate properties like a hawk, threatening to swoop in and seize them if he can’t come up with the full amount in cash. She even named Trump’s prized 40 Wall Street property as a potential target. The nerve!

Trump ain’t takin’ this lying down, though. He’s appealed Judge Arthur Engoron’s judgment, claiming that the judge made a bunch of mistakes and abused his power. Unfortunately for Trump, his appeal hasn’t put a halt to the punishment, and he still has to fork over at least the reduced bond amount to file it.

It’s a showdown in the legal corral, with Trump wrangling to avoid handing over the big bucks while New York’s legal posse is breathing down his neck. Stay tuned, folks, ’cause this wild west saga is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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