
Trump Slams Ramaswamy: Not MAGA! Is He Trying to Fool Conservative Voters?

In a bold move on social media, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump took aim at GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Trump didn’t hold back, calling Ramaswamy “not MAGA” in a scathing post on Truth Social. Trump accused Ramaswamy of being deceitful and employing sneaky campaign tricks, warning voters not to be fooled by his support. With a clear message, Trump declared a vote for Ramaswamy as a vote for the “other side” and urged his followers not to waste their vote.

As expected, Ramaswamy responded swiftly to Trump’s attack. In a video posted on X, he urged his supporters to remain vigilant and “open their eyes” to the uphill battle Trump faces. Ramaswamy asserted that the system would stop at nothing to keep Trump out of the White House. He further claimed that the establishment wants to narrow the race down to a showdown between Trump and Nikki Haley, a supposed puppet they can easily control. Ramaswamy warned that their ultimate plan is to eliminate Trump and install their chosen puppet as the next president.

While Ramaswamy is making a name for himself with his unwavering support for Trump, his numbers in the polls don’t tell a rosy story. He currently sits at a modest 4.1 percent support in national Republican primary polls, with slightly better numbers at 6.8 percent in Iowa, according to RealClearPolitics. These figures indicate that Ramaswamy has an uphill battle ahead if he wants to break through as a serious contender.

It’s clear that Trump’s attack on Ramaswamy is intended to solidify his own position as the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. By branding Ramaswamy as “not MAGA,” Trump aims to further cement his status as the true torchbearer of the Make America Great Again movement. Trump’s message resonates with conservative voters who want a strong leader who will prioritize America’s interests above all else.

In this increasingly crowded and competitive Republican primary race, it’s no surprise to see candidates like Trump and Ramaswamy clash. However, Trump’s attack serves as a reminder that loyalty to the MAGA movement will remain a significant factor in the decision-making process for many conservative voters. As the campaign progresses, it remains to be seen how Ramaswamy and others will navigate the challenges of standing out in a field where Trump’s shadow looms large.

Written by Staff Reports

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