
Trump Surges in Polls, Leaves Biden Lagging in Key Metrics

Expect the liberal media to choke on these numbers: Trump is surging in the polls. Quinnipiac, known for its blue slant, sent shockwaves by showing Trump with a four-point lead in a head-to-head matchup and a six-point lead in a five-candidate field. While Quinnipiac’s reliability is always debatable, these results are hard to ignore. Marquette Law, a reliable pollster in Wisconsin, also showed a close race, with Trump pulling ahead in wider fields. But the real bombshell dropped with the latest New York Times/Siena poll.

Brace yourselves, lefties: The A+ rated Times/Siena poll has Trump at 48% and Biden lagging at 44% among likely voters. Trump is ahead by six points among registered voters, and even in a broader field, he leads by three points. The liberal tears must be flowing. Trump wins white voters by double digits, nearly 40 percent of Hispanics, and about one in four black voters. That’s a significant dent in the Democrats’ base. More tellingly, Trump is pulling more Biden voters from 2020 than the reverse, and he leads by a whopping 20 points among people who didn’t vote last time but plan to do so now.

Both candidates are disliked broadly, but Trump is consolidating his support better. Only 72 percent of Biden voters approve of his current presidency, a shockingly low number. Despite accusations of crimes, Trump has the trust edge on key issues. A majority of voters, including a chunk of Biden supporters, do not believe Trump’s alleged “crimes” merit prison time. With the mainstream leftist media painting Trump as a felon, it must sting to see that most Americans aren’t buying it.

It gets better (or worse for Democrats). Roughly 70% of voters think Biden is too old to be effective, with even his own supporters agreeing. Compare this to only about 40% of people who see Trump as too old. Economic concerns dominate the issues, and Trump takes the lead hands down. Immigration jumps as a critical concern, especially among Hispanics, who predominantly believe Trump is the right man for the job. Talking heads clash with conventional wisdom here; voters clearly trust Trump’s handling of their prioritized issues significantly.

Adding insult to injury, Nate Silver’s early forecast gives Trump a solid 66% chance of winning. Let’s not forget that even the liberal cheerleaders at Gallup have Biden’s approval sinking to 38% overall, with independents at a dismal 33%. Democrats are on the brink of panic. If Biden doesn’t deliver a good performance at the debate, he could be in serious trouble. The pressure is on, and the Biden camp's stakes have never been higher. Tough times ahead for the Democrats if they don’t buckle up and face reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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