
Trump Triumphs in 2024 Polls, DeSantis Faces Rocky Road Ahead

Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be in a bit of a dilemma, oh no! A recent poll suggests that his old foe, former President Trump, is gaining significant ground in the contest for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024. Ouch!

DeSantis is only polling in the single digits, according to the study by c0-efficient polling and the New Hampshire Journal. Even worse, he's tied with Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, who hasn't exactly been a standout in this race. Talk about a crushing loss!

DeSantis is in peril, but it's not simply because of one survey. Christie is only five percentage points behind him, according to a different American Greatness survey. Yikes! In the meantime, Trump is comfortably ahead of his rivals, including DeSantis and the late Vice President Mike Pence. Trump actually has a +34 nett lead, which means he is far ahead of the competition.

Trump is doing well outside of the GOP as well. According to a Premise Data poll, he is also ahead of President Joe Biden in a potential 2024 contest. With 41% of the vote in favour of the former president and only 34% in favour of Biden, Trump has a seven-point lead over Biden. It appears that more and more Americans are beginning to doubt Biden's ability to govern.

Americans are clearly fed up with Biden and the situation of the economy right now. Voters strongly disagree with Joe Biden's job performance in 60% of cases, and a staggering 80% of voters believe that the nation's economy is "fair" or "poor." It makes sense that more than 40% of respondents' main concerns are the economy and inflation.

In conclusion, it appears that Trump is on a roll and DeSantis needs to be on his guard. While DeSantis is finding it difficult to generate traction, his popularity is increasing. DeSantis will need to boost his game and demonstrate his ability to compete against the former president if he hopes to have a chance in this campaign. If not, he might not have a chance. Next time, have better success, Gov!


Written by Staff Reports

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