
Trump’s Florida Showdown: Ex-President Sweats Aug 10 Court Rumble!

Former President Donald Trump is in hot water again, folks! The Justice Department has slapped him with not one, not two, but three additional felonies related to classified documents. Yikes! And it looks like his aide, Walt Nauta, isn’t getting off the hook either. Both of them are set to be arraigned in Fort Pierce, Florida, next week.

But hold your horses, because they might not even have to show up! Special counsel Jack Smith is giving them the option to waive their appearance if the court gives the green light. Talk about VIP treatment! I guess being a former president does have its perks.

So what did Trump and Nauta allegedly do this time? Well, according to Smith, they conspired with a third defendant named Carlos De Oliveira to delete surveillance footage. Why, you ask? To prevent those nosy federal investigators from getting their hands on it, of course!

Now, Carlos De Oliveira wasn’t even mentioned in the original indictment, but he’s making a grand entrance with his own set of charges. Looks like Trump’s “speedy trial clock” just got reset thanks to this new guy. The trial must begin within 70 days if the clock started running after May 20, 2024. Tick tock, Donald!

But hey, let’s not jump to conclusions here. Innocent until proven guilty, right? Let’s see how this all plays out in the court of law. Besides, Trump’s got bigger things to worry about, like making America great again! #MAGA

Written by Staff Reports

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