
Why Isn’t the World Health Organization Making the Number of Deaths Caused by COVID Public?

The World Health Organization (WHO) invested a number of man-months and resources on attempting to calculate the worldwide mortality rate caused by COVID-19.

It is a tremendous undertaking to compile statistical information from 189 nations and examine that information for veracity and precision. The organization has mounds of data to work with and is certain that they have a “best guess” for the devastating total.

According to estimates provided by the WHO, 15 million individuals lost their lives as a result of the epidemic. All who succumbed from COVID and tested positive for the coronavirus are included in this group. This includes persons who were unable to travel as a result of the epidemic and who ultimately passed away as a result of not having access to appropriate medical treatment.

As a “curate” figure of COVID fatalities, it cannot be considered accurate. Nevertheless, these data are a political hand grenade, and they are quite explosive.

India maintains that the virus was responsible for the deaths of just 520,000 individuals. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that COVID infected at least 4,000,000 people in India. Members of the opposition are calling on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to apologize for his blatantly dishonest statements.

According to Modi, an Indian citizen has never passed away due to a lack of oxygen. During the most severe phase of the pandemic in 2021, relatives and their families petitioned the government and the rest of the globe to supply oxygen for their loved ones who were suffering from the disease.

On Sunday, senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Twitter. The accusation leveled against him was that he “not speaking the truth and not allowing other people to speak the truth.”

The government of India is arguing that the approach employed by the WHO is incorrect, noting that the WHO used the same methods to treat India as if it were a much smaller nation. Because Modi’s hypotheses on the coronavirus turned out to be completely incorrect, India is actively working to prevent the publishing of the report.

It is not quite apparent if the WHO’s approach included any errors. The point at issue here is the length of time it took to disclose the figures.

The New York Times: It is critical to understand the nature of the epidemic and how it may be averted in the future that these numbers were not provided in a timely manner. It is important that this did not happen. The normally orderly field of data on health has been thrown into chaos as a result of the occurrence. At the United Nations Statistical Commission (the UN agency that gathers statistics on health), a fight is taking place that is shrouded in innocuous language. The conflict was sparked by India’s choice not to participate, and the language used to describe it is neutral.

It is essential for global accounting, it is an ethical duty to individuals whose lives have been cut short, and it is also highly useful. Dr. Prabhat Jaha, Director of the Centre for Global Health Research in Toronto and a member of the expert group that supports the World Health Organization’s excess death calculation, stated that “if there are additional waves, understanding the death total is key in determining if vaccination campaigns have been successful”. This statement was made in reference to the possibility of additional waves of the disease. It is really necessary for accountability.

Because they are so concerned, several professionals involved in the final result have threatened to make the data public without either India’s or the WHO’s permission.

The New York Times spoke with more than 10 individuals who were knowledgeable with the data. The World Health Organization had planned to make the data public in January, but the announcement has been continually postponed.

A couple of the group’s members sent a warning to the WHO not so long ago. Three individuals who are aware with the situation indicated that the organization would reveal the statistics if it didn’t, and that they personally would do it if it didn’t.

Only the death toll for India at the national level was reported by The Times as a result of their analysis. Based on the criteria that are used to quantify deaths, the current death toll in the United States, which is 987,000, is virtually likely to be well over one million. This is the case despite the fact that the current death toll is just 987,000.

However, the COVID mortality rate was of little consequence when it was used as a weapon in the 2020 presidential campaign against Donald Trump as a means of attacking him. This figure is a tragedy, not an outrage, despite the fact that Biden was in responsible of reporting a far higher number of fatalities than Trump.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Public Integrity Forum.

Written by Staff Reports

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