
AOC’s Outrageous Claim: Conditioning Israel Aid Sends Shockwaves!

In the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer made a valid point by stating that Hamas does not want a ceasefire; they want to eliminate Israel. It’s clear that Hamas is the main obstacle to peace in the region. Yet, despite this, some members of the radical left, like Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, continue to call for a ceasefire.

Ocasio-Cortez’s recent statement that conditioning aid to Israel is a responsible action is concerning. It shows a lack of understanding of the situation and a failure to recognize the threat posed by Hamas. Israel is fighting against a terrorist organization that deliberately targets innocent civilians and violates human rights. Ocasio-Cortez fails to acknowledge this and instead tries to equate the actions of Israel with those of Hamas.

If Ocasio-Cortez truly wants to condition aid, she should start by demanding that aid to Gaza be conditioned on the disavowal of Hamas, the laying down of weapons, and the release of hostages, including Americans. It’s hypocritical for her to focus on conditioning aid to Israel while ignoring the actions of Hamas.

Fortunately, other members of Congress, including Rep. Mike Lawler and Rep. Dan Goldman, have called her out on this misguided approach. They rightly emphasize the need to put pressure on Hamas to release hostages instead of placing unnecessary conditions on aid to Israel. It’s disappointing that Ocasio-Cortez seems more interested in protecting Hamas than in supporting peace and security in the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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